lundi 25 mai 2015

Is it possible to activate the Session Scope and Conversation Scope from the existing Request Scope?

I have an @EJB injected bean TransactionCompleteJob. This bean has an @Asynchronous method on it asyncCompleteTransaction(Integer transactionId).

When I try to make use of other injected beans and entities that are either session scoped or conversation scoped within this method I end up getting an error:

WELD-001303: No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped

So I Injected weld's BoundConversationScope, BoundSessionScope, and BoundRequestScope and activated them, generating an empty map for the request data, and an empty map for the session data, as specified by jboss weld documentation:

The problem is that when activating the request scope I get another error message:

WELD-001304: More than one context active for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped

I've tried not activating the request scope, but I seem to end up with a resource leak of anything which was on the actual request scope, specifically I have a request scoped JPA EntityManager. In particular once the process finishes I see another message:

WELD-000019: Error destroying an instance org.hibernate.jpa.internal.EntityManagerImpl@5df070be of Producer Method [EntityManager] with qualifiers [@RequestScopey @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @RequestScoped @RequestScopey public packagename.entitymanager.EntityManagerProducer.createRequestScopedEntityManager()]

How can I start a Request Scope Context when I have one already active? Or start a Session Scope Context and Conversation Scope Context which tie in to the existing Request Scope Context? Alternatively, are there any better ways to get around this issue?


Is there any way to get hold of the RequestScope from weld so I can deactivate it, before starting my own? Or a way to Asynchronously start my TransactionCompleteJob asynchronously, without injecting it and calling the @Asynchronous method?

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