vendredi 29 mai 2015

Filter redirect not reaching to spring Controller

Hyn, I have a servlet filter,

in first step:

I am checking url from particualr action and based on that creating a new url, redirecting

String redirectURL = httpResponse.encodeRedirectURL( shopUrl + "/catalogPreview?setPreviewDate=090000");"RUN PREVIEW: " + redirectURL + " | IP " + httpRequest.getRemoteAddr());



and return then the filter is again called with previously assemble url and let it through going through filter chain

    // proceed filters
    filterChain.doFilter(httpRequest, httpResponse);

the new url should reach the spring controller here is spring annotation mapping for review

@RequestMapping(value = {"/{testId:.*}/", "/lalanium","/catalogPreview"})
public class TestPageController extends AbstractTestPageController

the new URL is also visible in header but getting 400 error... am I missing some step? please share

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