jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Search Engine in Google Cloud Datastore

I build a web application in J2EE and deployed it in the Google App Engine, the application has a webservice API with the Google Endpoints Technology and some more services as Google Map API or Google Cloud Storage, all my data base is stocked in the Google Cloud Datastore as NO-SQL (using Objectify).

My question is: Is-there a Search Engine service or API on Google or somewhere else that handle "common search" on all of the Entities in my datastore or just one type of them and will return a list of objects in my datastore that match the request?

Exemple of system

Let's say in my datastore i saved some products as clothes.

  • Request: String: "t-shirt green nike"
  • Response: List item ids: {123456789,123456788,1234567897...}

The Search Engine has to handle synonym, spelling mistake and location(e.g. paris, london, NY 5th avenue... and convert it to latlong obj).

Thank you for the given time.

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