mardi 28 juillet 2015

JAX-RS bean validation with RestEasy and JBoss 7.1 doesn't work

I would like to enable validation parameters in JAX-RS web service. I'm using JavaEE 6, RestEasy 3.0.6.Final and JBoss 7.1 Final as Application Server.

I wrote this simple WS:

public interface MyWS {

    public Response createUser(@Valid User request);


public class MyWsImpl implements MyWS {

    private static Logger LOG =  LogManager.getLogger(MyWsImpl.class);

    public Response createUser(User request) {"doing");
    return Response.status(200).build();



public class User {

    @Size(min=4, max=50)
    private String name;

    private String surname;


Doing the request, server logs are:

17:21:05,324 INFO  [stdout] (http-- 17:21:05.324 [http--] DEBUG [RS-WS-Invoke] - PUT (/accounts) -

17:21:05,355 INFO  [stdout] (http-- annotation[0]:

17:21:05,373 INFO  [stdout] (http-- 17:21:05.373 [http--] INFO - doing

17:21:05,374 INFO  [stdout] (http-- declaring class: interface

17:21:05,374 INFO  [stdout] (http-- annotation[0]:

17:21:05,379 INFO  [stdout] (http-- 17:21:05.379 [http--] DEBUG [RS-WS-Invoke-Response] - PUT (/accounts) - - RESPONSE[Status:400, Time:55ms]

but I expect that a ValidationException raise and that the code will be not executed.

What's wrong?


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