jeudi 27 août 2015

JS Shop Ionic, the ecommerce mobile app starter (Full Applications)

This ecommerce Ionic starter integrates Paypal for the payments and Parse for the backend administration. The product catalog includes a fully functional shopping cart, product/options/category management, client registration/login and order administration.

JS Shop Ionic Features: - Parse Core Backend to easily manage: + the product categories. + the product listings (description, price, pictures, etc…). + the product options (sizes and colors for example, with different price for each option if needed). + the orders including all the order details. - No need of a server nor a database, everything is on the cloud and it’s free. Hosted by Facebook. - Product Catalog and Listing per Category. - Product Search - Fully functional Shopping Bag to add or remove products. - Client Registration and Login so the client can easily re-order. - PayPal SDK Cordova/Phonegap Plugin to natively and easily accept payments via Paypal.

Review the Installation document at

via Chebli Mohamed

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